East County News Service
November 29, 2019 (Lemon Grove) – The city of Lemon Grove will hold its 22nd annual community bonfire in Civic Center Park (3200 Main St.) on December 6 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. In addition to a giant bonfire built by the fire department, this year’s event will feature spaghetti-eating and ugly sweater contests, a horse-drawn carriage, music, rock climbing, an obstacle course, cookies and hot chocolate, and more.
Please bring a new, unwrapped toy for Heartland Fire & Rescue’s Lemon Grove Toy Drive.
Foods will also be available for purchase.
For more information contact mgonzalez@lemongrove.ca.gov, call (619)825-3815, or visit www.LemonGrove.ca.gov.