Source: Lemon Grove Lions Club
Photo: Ken Burke, JoAnne Burke, Tobi Gary, Cathy Froelicher, Barbara Sala and Jeannie Lopez
October 23, 2022 (Lemon Grove) -- Lemon Grove Lions proudly presented a $1,000 donation to Fisher House San Diego, on Thursday Oct 14, 2022.
The Lemon Grove Lions Club serves their community, hosting fundraising events which allow for donations to be given, such as the one just presented to Fisher House San Diego. This donation was from the proceeds from their recent Cornhole Tournament.
Fisher House San Diego offers a “home away from home” at no cost for families of patients receiving medical care at Naval Medical Center San Diego. The Fisher House is located at Naval Medical Center, approximately a five-minute from the medical center.
The Lions Club mission statement is to empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace, and promote both local and international understanding.