By: Jessyka Heredia
January 22, 2024 (Lemon Grove) -- The City of Lemon Grove announced last week that it received a planning grant for the Lemon Grove Rezoning & Downtown Specific Plan Expansion (DSPE) Project. under SANDAG’s Housing Acceleration Program for Projects. The amount awarded was $300,000 in grant funds with a $33,500 (10%) in-kind match for a total project cost of $333,500.
The Staff Report states, “There would be no impact on the current budget. The $33,500 of in-kind match includes City staff time, website coordination and meeting facilities.”
The funds are to be budgeted to update DSP, post on website, solicit public input, provide a comprehensive list of ownership/parcels to be rezoned, public outreach, interactive zoning map/general plan map, zoning ordinance amendments and DSP adoption, with $120,000 of the funds going towards CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) Documents.
The DSPE Project intends to gain community input and public outreach resulting in a General Plan Amendment and Zoning Ordinance Amendment.
The CAC Ad Hoc members would meet monthly to provide input and guidance in the DSPE Project process, held on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:00 P.M. at the Lemon Grove Community Center.
City staff is recommending that the City Council call for applications for up to seven ad-hoc members of the CAC depending on public interest and number of applications submitted.
Applications are currently available online on the city website. Application deadline is February 21, 2024. On March 5, 2024, the City Council will make the appointments at a regular City Council meeting at 6 P.M. where candidates will be interviewed.
According to the city website, “The DSPE project would implement several of the Lemon Grove 2021-2019 Housing Element goals related to housing production, sustainable mobility, energy conservation, reducing governmental constraints for special needs housing, and affirmatively furthering fair housing.
The DSPE project would further the goals of the 2020 Lemon Grove Climate Action Plan with a considerable reduction in greenhouse gas emissions associated with transportation and reduced travel distances. By reducing air emissions and promoting active transportation, the project anticipates positive health impacts, such as a decrease in respiratory illnesses and an increase in physical activity levels. Additionally, it aims to enhance green spaces and reduce urban heat island effects, leading to an improved quality of life for residents.
The DSPE project would promote mixed-use development and compact urban design, concentrating on creating vibrant, walkable neighborhoods where people can access essential services and recreational opportunities within close proximity. An emphasis on increased housing would in turn attract quality restaurants and retailers desired by the community. “
The city is asking interested residents for the Ad-Hoc members of the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) to apply at